Extracting sanding tables ABS

Extracting sanding tables ABS

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For hand sanding or sanding with electric or pneumatic equipment we offer extracting sanding tables ABS. Shape and design of working surface brings regularly spread extraction of whole table. Simple design from steel galvanized plates requests minimum of maintenance.

Basic design details and advantages

  • Design of the table allows adjust height in range of 700 – 1000 mm. According to request, can be the table height adjustment provided manually or by electromotor.
  • Felt protecting strips on working surface assure safe manipulation with products without damages. Protecting strips we can optionally supply from another material (rubber etc.).
  • All dimensional variants of sanding tables could be equipped by panel with electric (2×230 V) and pneumatic (2 pcs.) connections. This panel contains main switch, main electric power inlet and pressed air inlet.
  • For safe product fixations during the work, we supply fixing vacuum pads with control pedal for easy fix of the product. To process requested vacuum is pressed air needed. Pressure 4-6 bar,  volume approximately 48 l/min. Vacuum pads have oval form with dimensions of 300 x 100 mm. Suction capacity of the pads is  4 m3/h and develops fixing force of 750 N in horizontal direction and 370 N in vertical direction.
  • For product and working surface clearing is possible to use hose with nozzle connected to the table extraction system.

Dimensions and technical parameters

Type Working area dimensions (mm)* Working area height (mm) Requested air volume (m3/h.) Diameter of extraction connection (mm)
Length Width
ABS 10 1000 1000 700 – 1000 1200 120
ABS 12 1200 1000 700 – 1000 1400 120
ABS 20 2000 1000 700 – 1000 1600 160
ABS 24 2400 1000 700 – 1000 1800 180
ABS 30 3000 1000 700 – 1000 2500 200

*by tables with panel: length + 280 mm

ABS tables have to be connected to the central extraction system or to local extractor.

Recommended local extractors

ABS 10      –       FT 200

ABS 12      –       FT 200

ABS 20      –       FT 302

ABS 24      –       FT 302

ABS 30      –       FT 400

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